Thursday, October 22, 2009

how to loose weight thinking about the rest

If you want to loose weight, the best method is thinking. To do that you first need to know the basics about food:
eating from 3-5 times a day few amounts of everything avoiding fats, and carbohidrates during the day... this basic info I think you can find it everywhere, and that you are bored cos you already know that stuff but the thing is that you feel like eating, or that you are hungry, or that it's tasty, whatever, if you want to loose weight, you will have to make an effort, to get anything in this life you have to make an effort, this won't be an exception. The effort you will have to make will start by reading this whole paper, because this will make you think, and this way you will start to practice this method.

I am going to tell the way I see the food problem, some issues might be a fact to you others not.

Half of the world is starving and half of the world has way too much food. I belong to the part of the world with plenty of food . I would like to change that, there's enough food for everyone, we just have to distribute it correctly and efficienty. Since I am just one individual, I am not a politician or own a big company, I found a way to help a few to this food problem. Same time, that it helps me to eat correctly, and in fact I lost weight, which might be your purpose now, but I hope later on you can also help a few to this problem. And few+few+few+few = the world is becoming a world.

Well, I will start with one examples, to help you start understanding my meaning and point of view:

Eating vegetables vs Eating meat:

To eat meat, before you have to feed the animal with the vegetables. With the amount of vegetables you need to feed one animal for 1 meal of meat, you could eat vegetables meals for 1 week!! And even more attonishing:

The amount of CO2, produced to eat one meat meal, is higher than the one with vegeteables. Since the farmers need to grow more camps they destroy the forests all around the world . All over South America and Africa are growing soy to feed european animals. Those animals finish in your dish, and yes you did an effort you paid for it. Well yes you paid for it, but that money doesn't go to those people who are growing vegetables for our animals. Not those people instead, don't have enough food for themselves. And not only that, those people used to grow their own, they had some corn and some stuff, they grew it, and they saved the seeds for next year. They were autosufficient, but now those people are being fucked by international companies that sell them the seeds 4 times what they used to be. Well, you would say that I don't need to feel guilty for that, I have nothing to do with that company, right? Well many of you might be directly involved in that so that would make you feel guilty for that and want to help as well
(to see more read Transgenics next post )

Drinking milk or soy drink it's the same example (meat vs vegetable)

From the same prospective, when I go shopping for food:

I could classify food by:

basic/enough: vegetables, fish
high class: meat
luxury: frozen pizza, chips, chocolate, cookies,etc.

(As I said I belong to the 1/2 of the world with plenty of food, if you come from the other world, I would like you to give me ideas of what little people who aren't rich to help the world)

So obviously I want to be healthy (priority number one), and not only for that because I like food, I eat a bit of everything.

Vegetables are the best source of food for me to feed me if I want to help a few this world, am not a vegetarian and I don't try or want to be so far. So for really helping you should only eat vegetables, and in fact you would loose weight, but you can't do this unless you are a vegetearian (we could say that 1 vegetarian = few+few+few+few). And I mean this, because you would have to learn to be a vegetarian, you would have to inform yourself.

The rest of food: fish, meat and luxury, I buy it but thinking, what's enough for me, I think it twice. I have to say that right now I pick few of the luxury ones, and other ones like yougurts I just buy them, not as often like before because I believe they are good and healthy and cheap and this also pops up in my head.
And I have a big box of cookies, normal and cheap ones, because I control myself, and I don't eat the whole box in one day like before, and obviously if one day I feel like eating the whole box I might do it, but it will be rare. Because I think twice each time, and at thinking so much I get it! Example, I buy chocolate, because I like to have a piece with the coffe sometimes. And I think, I shouldnt buy it because Ill eat the tablet in a grasp of time, then I agree I have nothing but vegetables and yougurts and some cheese (but the cheese doesn't really count because I have a few left and it is also for sometimes) and at the end I buy it. Then at home I think that if I eat it all, if some guest comes I won't have nothing to offer, and that 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 squares are enough depending on the day you catch me.

I buy the vegetables at the market, fruit store, or if not possible suppermarket. Market is the best when possible, because the products come 'majorly' from growers around the aerea, and this is better for everyone for me they are fresh and excellent, for my neighbours growers to have a job and for the planet to have less of the problems told.

So when I go do the shopping for the rest of food I know I should only buy fish and few meat, and few of everything, it will also be cheaper. The rest will be luxury, that I have it just because I became to the 1/2 of the world with food and resources, not because I pay for it.

Eventually, if you think and act defenetly you'll loose weight, I guarantee, and if not you'll feel better because you are helping the world and indeed you will feel better about your body and won't want to loose weight.

And if you want to help the world with few things that in fact will be a beneffit for you:

``general products with a name (some trade marks that we all use )
``trangenic seeds

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